Are you a member of a Pioneer Family of the Town of Greece? If you are or think you might be, the Greece Historical Society would like to hear from you.
The Greece Historical Society will commemorate the 2022 Bicentennial of the Town of Greece by publishing a book in November of this year which will recognize and celebrate the families who settled in the Greece area before 1872 (our 1st fifty years as a town).
If you descend from a family who settled in the Town of Greece before 1872, please consider helping us include the story of your family. We want to hear the story of how your family came to town and feature them in a vignette that includes photos and stories that you would provide.
If your family was living in Greece before 1822, you would also be eligible for a “Pioneer Certificate” to be issued by the Society.
To get started, please complete our questionnaire and one family tree chart as best you can. Downloads are available below. Return both forms either by email to or by USPS mail to:
Greece Historical Society
PO Box 16249
Rochester, NY 14616
Attention: Bicentennial Committee
We will then contact you to work on finalizing your story for publication. If you’re a bit uncomfortable getting started, send us what you can and we can help. The important thing is to get started.
The deadline for submitting your input is July 31, 2021. Be sure to include your phone number and email on all correspondence so that we can contact you.
For any questions or help completing your documents, please e-mail us at
1) Download QUESTIONNAIRE here
2)Download one of the family pedigree charts here
Six Generation Chart
Five Generation Chart
Four Generation Chart
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