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Warren C. Crandell Memorial Scholarship Program

Presented by the Greece Historical Society

Warren C. Crandell
Warren C. Crandell (1926-2021)

The Greece Historical Society proudly announces a scholarship in honor of Warren C. Crandell, to a highly motivated, graduating high school senior from the Town of Greece who plans to further their education as a History or History Education major or minor at a two- or four-year college or university. The number of scholarships may vary annually.


$2,000.00 payable directly to the student for use towards college expenses such as tuition, fees, books, room and board, and other expenses associated with higher education. Awards will be given in two installments: first, $1,000.00 upon proof of registration/ letter of acceptance with a two-year or four-year college or university, and the final high school report card with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher submitted to the Greece Historical Society; and second, $1,000.00 upon the submission of the first-semester report card with a grade point average of no less than 2.75 to the Greece Historical Society. Estimated delivery dates: July 1 and January 1.


Completed applications must be submitted, delivered, or postmarked by the last Monday in March. The committee will review all applications received. Three candidates will be selected as finalists and interviewed by the committee at a date and location to be determined. Announcement of Awards to be made by the last Monday in April.

Submissions must include:

  • Completed Application
  • Most recent grades and Official Transcript from the current school – No Photocopies will be accepted.
  • Letter of recommendation
    • One letter from a school official (teacher, coach, counselor, or administrator) clearly illustrates their support for the student to receive the scholarship –
    • No more than one page.
  • Essay – Write an essay of 500 words to 750 words*, on a historical story or topic related to the Town of Greece. Your Essay will be featured in the Society’s Newsletter and also will be posted on the website as a guest author. Also, include copies of any images that may help tell the story when it is posted to the website. See examples of previous stories written by our volunteers in Living in Greece.
  • When Submitting the photos please use Jpeg file format for the picture you submit and please use a Zip, 7-Zip, or other file compression tool to send them in case they are too big to attach them in the email please use Google Photos, or other photo sharing service to share the photos with the society please do not use copyrighted photos unless you get permission to use them.

Link to Download the Application for the Scholarship PDF or you may use our online submission portal this is the preferred method of submission.

Or you can download the form below and fill out the paperwork

The completed packet must be mailed and addressed as the following

Warren C. Crandell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Greece Historical Society
P.O. Box 16249
Greece, NY 14616

If you email your packet to ghsscholarship40@gmail.com please compress the entire application into a single zip compressed file using built-in file compression software and label it with your name and school name and 2023-24 student for example (Jane_Doe_Greece_Odyssey_2023-24.zip) and in the subject line of the email put your name followed by Warren C Crandell Scholarship Application for 2023-24 School Year this way we can keep track of all the students who are applying for the scholarship. The fastest way is to use the online submission portal which will allow for quick upload and submission of the application.

*originally format of the essay was to be 750 to 1000 words but after careful consideration and reviewing of guest articles the committee has decided to lower the word count to 500 to 750 word essay.


Who Was Warren C. Crandell?

Warren in his Undress White Service Uniform Navy uniform
Warren in his Navy Undress White Service Uniform

Warren Crandall was born in 1926. He grew up in Rochester, but before he could graduate high school, Uncle Sam called him up for service in the Navy. He sailed in the Pacific on a supply ship, during which time he said they didn’t see much action. He did, however, cross the Equator, which is a pretty big deal for sailors, earning him the designation of Shellback. Warren was discharged from the Navy in June 1946. More on his service along with other pictures can be seen in our publication Our Town in World War II.

Britton Road Junior High School

Returning to Rochester, he finally obtained his high school diploma and went on to SUNY Oswego to become a teacher of industrial arts, math, and science. He was instrumental in setting up the Industrial Arts program at Greece Olympia and at the junior high on Britton Road. He and his wife, Marion, were married for 50 years and were longtime residents of Desmond Road.

Greece Olympia High School Campus

Marion passed away on March 29, 2005.

Warren was an enthusiastic amateur historian along with his other interests and attended programs at the Greece Historical Society whenever he could. His love of learning and teaching stayed strong throughout his life. Warren C. Crandell passed on December 19, 2021, at age 95. The bequest he left to the Greece Historical Society will be used to honor his memory by paying it forward to graduating seniors who show the same enthusiasm he had for learning.