
Membership in the Greece Historical Society is available at several levels starting at $15.00 per year.

Your membership dollars help support the preservation of our town’s history and enable the Society to share it with the community through programs, the Greece Museum exhibits, and publications. Your dollars also help maintain our historic farmhouse, owned solely by the Society, which sits on land leased from the Town of Greece.

Members’ benefits include:

  • A subscription to “The Corinthian”, the Society newsletter
  • Mailings about current activities
  • Free admission to all programs
  • Advance registration privileges for special events and tours
  • Discounted tickets for selected events

Memberships are deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

To join or renew by mail

Print and complete our Membership Form and mail it along with your payment to:

P.O. BOX 16249
ROCHESTER, NY 14616-0249

You will receive your membership card (s) and receipt by return mail.

To join or renew online

Membership Type