The first Warren C. Crandell Memorial Scholarship entry period is now open!

The Greece Historical Society proudly announces a scholarship in honor of Warren C. Crandell, to a highly motivated, graduating high school senior from the Town of Greece who plans to further their education as a History or History Education major or minor at a two- or four-year college or university. The number of scholarships may vary annually.

Warren C Crandell scholarship

Completed applications must be submitted, delivered, or postmarked by the last Monday in March. The committee will review all applications received. Three candidates will be selected as finalists and interviewed by the committee at a date and location to be determined. Announcement of Awards to be made by the last Monday in April.

To learn more about the scholarship click here which will have the link to the application, the requirements for the scholarship, and brief information on the donor of the scholarship.


Warren C. Crandell Memorial Scholarship Program

Presented by the Greece Historical Society

Warren C. Crandell
Warren C. Crandell (1926-2021)

Table of contents

The Greece Historical Society proudly announces a scholarship in honor of Warren C. Crandell. The scholarship is to a highly motivated, graduating high school senior from the Town of Greece. This student must plan to further their education as a History or Education major or minor. They can do this at a two- or four-year college or university. The number of scholarships vary annually.


$2,000.00 is payable directly to the student for college expenses. These include tuition, fees, books, room, and board. There are other costs associated with higher education. Awards will be given in two installments: first, $1,000.00 upon proof of registration or letter of acceptance with a two-year or four-year college or university. In addition, the final high school report card with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher must be submitted to the Greece Historical Society. Second, $1,000.00 upon the submission of the first-semester report card with a grade point average of no less than 2.75 to the Greece Historical Society. Estimated delivery dates: July 1 and January 1.