June 8, 2021
Join us for a presentation of tips on how to start researching your family in anticipation of the town’s Bicentennial in 2022. Whether you are just starting out or you already are our family’s historian, help the Greece Historical Society to preserve your family’s legacy for future generations. Every family has a story to tell and we want to hear yours!
Where to start? Barb Koehler, a genealogy specialist from the local history & genealogy division of the Central Library, will show you how to use free online library resources to access census records, directories, vital records, newspapers, and maps/atlases.
GHS members JoAnn Ward Snyder and Marie Poinan are collecting stories from descendants of the Greece pioneer families for a book that will be published later this year! They will share ideas on how you can take names and dates to construct a timeline that helps you tell your family story. Help us celebrate the 200th birthday of the Town of Greece!
REGISTRATION REQUIRED. https://greecepubliclibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=9996&backTo=Calendar&startDate=2021/06/01