Our Annual Pasta Dinner

The Annual Greece Historical Society and Museum Pasta Dinner Fundraiser Sunday, September 18th, 2022 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm at Barnard Restaurant & Party House (Barnard Exempts) 360 Maiden Lanes.

Barnard Exempts

Dine-in or Take-Out

Food Catered by
Forest Hill Catering
cooked pasta with sliced tomatoes and green leafy
Photo by Angele J on Pexels.com

Please help us with this major fundraiser by ordering your tickets now and your tickets will be waiting for you at the dinner. Tickets may also be purchased at our museum during normal open hours or call 225-7221. Although walk-ins are welcome, we appreciate pre-orders, as we need to guarantee a minimum number to reserve the facility. For those that are dining in, there will be a cash drink and dessert bar. There will be a silent auction featuring a range of items from local businesses who are willing to help the Greece Historical Society and Museum continue their mission of discovering, researching, and preserving the history of the Town of Greece and share that history with its residents and the local community through public programs, publications, museum exhibits in digital or physical form, and accessibility to its archives and artifacts. We will be running a 50/50 raffle as well during the event. Here is a picture from our 2018 Event at the Barnard Exempts.

From our Pasta Dinner October, 2018

Every ticket ordered before September 10 will be eligible for a drawing to win a historic Greece, N.Y. 36” x 48” coverlet or a copy of the Pioneer Families of Greece book.


If you Like to Order tickets to the event are $ 12.00 for adults and $ 6.00 for children 5-12.

To pre-order your tickets via mail, the fillable pdf file is below that you can fill out and either email or print out and mail back to the museum.

Mail the form to:

PO BOX 16249

GREECE, NY 14616

Email the Museum:

greecehistoricalsociety@yahoo.com and in the Subject line please put 2022 Pasta Dinner Ticket order this way we can tell the email is for the Pasta Dinner

Technology Coordinator/ Chief Technology Officer |  + posts

Pat Worboys is one of the two Co-Director of the Greece Historical Society's Information Technology Committee. Pat is the Producer of the Bicentennial Snapshots series. Pat holds two degrees one in Information Technology (A.A.S) and the second one is in Interactive Media Design (Web Design) (A.A.S.).