January 10, 2023
By: Christopher Bench, Vice president for collections and chief curator at the Strong National Museum of Play
January 10, 2023 - Greece Public Library
Before modern kids got focused on electronic games and organized sports leagues, there ws a world of outdoor fun waiting for us in backyards and beyond. Bicycles took us exploring. Sleds turned every snowfall into an opportunity for excitement. Clamp-on roller skates made the sidewalk your racetrack. And a sandbox could fill hours with fun. Step back to the days when moms still said, “Go outside and play” and no one made you wear a helmet or carry a cell phone. This illustrated presentation is filled with outdoor activities and playthings that made summer fun and still cam make getting outside a destination for adventure.
Christopher Bensch became one of the curators at The Strong Museum in 1989. Since 2004, Chris has served as Vice President for Collections with oversight of the museum’s curatorial, conservation, and library functions and the more than 520,000 objects that make it the largest, most comprehensive collection of toys, games, dolls, and video games in the world.
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