Paddy Hill School

Every year or so, with shifts in population, there seems to be changes where our children go to school, but change has been going on since children have been attending school. One hundred years ago, most Greece children attended one-room schools in one of more than a dozen individual school districts. As times changed, new schools were built, old ones closed, and school districts merged. High school students even attended City high schools. It wasn’t until 1961 that Greece graduated its first high school class. All the while there has been one constant, a public elementary school has been at that intersection at Latta Road and Mt. Read Boulevard for 183 years.

Common School District #5
Common School District #5

In 1839 Bernard and Mary O’Neil, the owners of a large tract of land, at the Northwest corner of what would become Mt. Read Blvd. and Latta Road, sold one-eighth of an acre of their land to Common School District Number Five for $50.00.

A small school was soon built and used for nearly 90 years, until 1930 when a modern brick school building was built across the street. That brick building was demolished in 2021. It is said that the one-room school building was then moved down the road and became a private home of the first chief of police Milton Carter, but the school district remained the owner of the small one-eighth acre.

The remainder of the O’Neal property was purchased by Patrick and Margaret Rigney in 1850 and eventually owned by their only daughter Mary. In 1944 the land was transferred to the Diocese of Rochester, then to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Corporation who had plans for a new cemetery. This action resulted in a three-year legal battle between the Town of Greece, and the Diocese. After several court battles, a final State Supreme court decision ruled in favor of the Town, leaving Holy Sepulchre no choice but to sell the land. You can read summary about the cases of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery v. Board of Appeals and Holy Sepulchre Cemetery v. Town of Greece at

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery v. Board of Appeals, 271 App. Div. 33, 60 N.Y.S.2d 750 (N.Y. App. Div. 1946)

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery v. Town of Greece, 191 Misc. 241, 79 N.Y.S.2d 683 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1947)

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery v. Town of Greece, 273 App. Div. 942 (N.Y. App. Div. 1948)

In 1948, Harmon Poray purchased most of the O’Neal-Rigney land from Holy Sepulchre, and shortly after Joan and Robert Feeney purchased the original farmhouse. By the early 1950s, Greece was becoming the fastest-growing town in New York and the need for a new school was evident. In 1954 Poray sold a large portion of the land to the Union Free School District #5 and in 1955 sold the remainder of the land to Latta Real Estate Corp. Within two years Picturesque Drive was being laid out in what would soon be a sprawling sub-division and a new school, now called Paddy Hill School would open in Sept 1956 on the very corner that its predecessor, School #5, was built in 1836. In 1956, the Greece Central School District was organized with the merging of districts 2, 5, 15, and 17.

Over the years the present Paddy Hill School has expanded to meet the needs of a growing neighborhood. But we can safely say that Paddy Hill School is the oldest school in Greece and possibly Monroe County.

In 2014, as a gift to the school, the Greece Historical Society secured a grant from the William C. Pomeroy Foundation for a historical marker commemorating the history of the school. That marker sits on that original 1839 land purchase.

Learn more about the William C. Pomeroy Foundation does by going to


Minutes School #9 1909-1946

Highlights Book donated to Greece Historical Society

August 10, 1910 Clerk Frank Herman (He later was a Town of Greece Town Justice and lived at his farm located at 1067 Long Pond Rd. Many of the young kids that worked on the farm remember the ice-cold watermelons he served from the refrigerator. In those days when doctors made house calls, the doctor would come and give him shots right thru the pants leg for medication.)

Balance on hand $36.16 paid out
Raised by tax 422.78 Teachers wage 396.00
Library money 20.00 coal 18.00
Public Money 125.00 Janitor 15.00
Total 603.94 repairs 49.32
books 40.00
total 529.08
The balance on hand was 74.37

May 1913
W. N. Britton said he would give the district a deed of the property at any time. He was requested to do so by the district. The matter of a special school meeting was held and a vote on building a new schoolhouse was voted on and carried.

May 24, 1913
The district authorized the erection of a new school building. The district would raise a tax of $4500 or as much as necessary. They would collect it in installments according to 467 of Education Laws. The vote carried 24 in favor and 16 opposed. Some of the voters were: Mrs. W. E. Justice, W. E. Justice, John Roberts, Charles Preston, Jos Kierhart, and Jos Erath (His farm was on Long Pond where Brookside school now stands.)

May 4, 1915
A building fund was set up.

The contract was awarded to Koerner & Willis on July 29 for the erection of a school building.

The cost was $4068.00.

Bonds were sold to Union Trust Co. of Rochester, N.Y. Rees & Ade were the Architects.

The cost to them was $306.79.

The cost to Koerner & Willis was $4100.50.

Hardware expense was $30.86 and refurbish and moving desks were $43.25.
For building outhouse $1.00

May 2, 1916
Sale of old school building $5.00

May 6, 1919
The painting of the schoolhouse took place.

May 5, 1925
A need was seen to replace the front door with a double door made of lighter wood.

July 20, 1927
A feasibility was considered for the uniting with districts 11, 3, and 16 in a central union school on Ridge. Rd.. W. N. Britton had donated 5 acres for a site. The vote was 10 in favor and 20 against.

May 7, 1929
The last mortgage payment was made $315.00.
Greece Central District #1 begin with merged 11, 3, and 16.

May 6, 1930
A motion was made to install electricity that lost in a vote cast by 22 people, there were 10 yeas and 12 nays.

May 1931
High school tuition collected is $770.00
Grade school tuition was $200.00
The school went up through the eighth grade. If you wanted to go or could afford to go to high school you could go to John Marshall (Ridgeway Ave.) or to Charlotte (Lake Ave.)
A motion carried electricity, water, and inside toilets were to be installed.

September 16, 1931
A special meeting was held to discuss payment regarding $990 for high school tuition or having two teachers or arranging for school bus transportation. The trustee has a right to raise funds for necessary purchases. 46 votes that pupils be sent to #1 (Britton) school on Hoover Rd.

May 3, 1932
Electrical work 120.00 Water meter 15, Mr. H Clark Install water lines 152, water bill 2.50, electricity bill 7.75. A discussion took place on whether to have one or two teachers. Votes cast were 37, for two teachers 24, for one teacher 13.

May 2, 1933
As stated in the minutes it was reported that district #9 was second in cleanness in the county. Under new business, no action was taken on transportation for high school children. Money raised by public subscription to carry on the work for the Dental dispensary. Tile laid around cellar wall.

May 1, 1934
Fire extinguisher $2.75
Proposed addition for inside toilet and cloakroom to be paid by state money.

May 24, 1934
Special meeting for addition $2,400.00 to be used for flush toilets. Vote count 31, 17yea, 14 no

January 31, 1935
Special Meeting discussing transportation for high school students.14 students presently attend high school. 8 passengers could fit in one vehicle. People felt 2 buses would be necessary. The proposed tax sum of $250. or as necessary for those attending high school.

February 9, 1935
Special meeting to raise $450.00 for two school buses. The vote count was 49. Yes 22, no 26, the transportation vote lost.

May 6, 1935
Lay stone wall Gilbert Justice $35.00
Cummings new building $1325.20
School Gong 28.00

August 14, 1935
Special Meeting for transportation of academic pupils (high school) The vote went as follows: vote total 41, 31 yes, 11no.

May 5, 1936
Motion all new pupils going to high school would have to attend John Marshall High school- carried. The bus would go 1 mile east on English to pick up academic pupils.

May 3, 1938, & 1937
Taxation of $3,000.00 Bus continues the same as last year.

May 7, 1939
Motion for a sidewalk from the road to the south side of the school at a cost of $150.00.

May 1940
no special business

December 4, 1940
A special meeting discussed fixing the school bus involved in an accident and to buy a new larger bus. vote 28 25yes,3no. The board hired a lawyer to protect our interest in accident.

May 7, 1941 –
school painting, students still attend John Marshall

May 5, 1942
only business students still to go to John Marshall High school.

On May 5, 1942, was the last entry in the Minuted of Common School District Number 9.

Common School District No. 2 of Greece NY Trustees Annual Report from July 31, 1919

Most Trustees’ Reports did not tell where the school was located so as the district needed to grow to support more kids and expand lessons these districts numbers tended to move around which caused some confusion with tracking where schools were located and what number they were because they switch numbers or locations where the school was located at there were at least 3 of these districts that had this issue in the town of Greece they were Common School Districts 2, 16, 17 District 12 and 13 were affected by the relocation of Common School District 16.


South side of 1066 Long Pond circa 1904- The Brittons standing on a stone wall.

Coming to Monroe County in the early 1800s, the Britton Family were early settlers in what was then called Rochesterville.

Alanson Phizarro Britton, the ninth child of thirteen, was born in the tiny village in 1820. While in his teens he ran a line boat on the Erie Canal and later he managed a Toll Gate on the plank road in Brighton which became East Avenue. While boarding at the Toll Gate house he met and later married, in 1849, a school teacher named Laura Lewis. By 1853 he became interested in a plot of land in the town of Greece. The first dwelling, on about 1.02 acres he purchased from John and Lydia Beal, was a log house. A small portion of this land had already been deeded for use as a schoolhouse to Greece Common School District #9 by the Beals. Shortly after the Civil War, Alanson began building the present Italian ate style home on the property. The timbers were cut from trees on the property, hauled to a sawmill, cut into useable lumber, and brought back to the building site.

The Britton farmstead, completed about 1870, was well known for its Hubbard Squash. By 1875 the Brittons had sold about an acre of the southern portion of the land near Maiden Lane to the Meth­odist Church for $700. Laura and Alanson raised four children, of which the two eldest died fairly young.

Mr. Britton was the Town of Greece Supervisor five different times from the late 1870s until 1901. By mutual agreement, elected supervisors only served a two-year term and retired but could run again after a two-year gap. Of all the 19th-century supervisors, Britton seems to hold the record for the number of times served. Alanson had a long life, dying at the homestead in 1912; Laura preceded him in 1910 with an equally long life. They are buried in the Falls Cemetery on Ridge Road. The Britton homestead is now about 140 years old and is again up for sale with 1.6 acres of the original 102 acres from 1853 remaining. House # 1066 is listed on the “101 historic sites in The Town Of Greece” and awaits a new owner who loves being surrounded by “friendly ghosts” of an important Greece family!

The Front view of the A.P. Britton Home Stead facing North East, Taken October 1, 2010 by Bill Sauers
The Front view of the A.P. Britton Home Stead facing North East, Taken October 1, 2010, by Bill Sauers
The Front view of the A.P. Britton Home Stead facing North, Taken October 1, 2010, by Bill Sauers
The Front view of the A.P. Britton Home Stead facing North, Taken October 1, 2010, by Bill Sauers

Photos, Data supplied by Alan Mueller, Greece Historian’s Office, Greece Historical Society
